The 773 Scouter's Association was started back in 1980. Since it's inception, it
has had a thriving Cub Scout program, and has seen over 40 teenagers gain Eagle
status, the highest rank in Scouting.
Back in 2019 we were approached with an offer to move to a new location with
funds to build a new Scout Hut. We took the offer, and began the process. Since
then, we have been wayward souls- at the mercy of various gracious and loving
hosts. (Thank you Bethany Christian Church, and New Season Church.)
With all the supply chain issues, COVID, and inflation, what should have been a
year long process turned into a three year ordeal. Now we are almost complete,
but not quite.
Scouting has always been a community program. Through service projects, Scouts
help make the community they live in a better place. Buying a brick is a great
way to show your support for your own Scout, or for the Association as a whole.
Maybe you want raise up a Scout, or another Troop/Pack, memorialize a loved one,
or celebrate something special. Perhaps buy a brick in memory or celebration of a loved one.
Maybe you are a business who wants to show those who visit the Scout Hut that
you support Scouting and all Scouts do- buying a brick is a great way to do
that. Maybe you are not near Dallas, Georgia. That's okay. You can even buy a
second donor brick or a souvenir brick you can put up for all to see.
Our initial fundraiser will run from August 1-Sept 11. All proceeds from the
brick sales will go towards finishing the Scout Hut. For the children. For the
community. For Dallas.