Clippard Elementary PTO

Over the last couple of years, we have not been able to fundraise like normal due to covid. Being sensitive to that, we are opting out of our in person silent auction which is a huge fundraiser for our school.

We have a previous Clippard Alumni, Sean Bierbaum, who is working on his Eagle Badge for Boy Scouts. The bricks purchased will be placed in the front of the school as part of a path from the sidewalk to the parking lot where the playground is.

Our goal is to make up for last year and this year by making $10,000 selling these bricks! This will cover the materials needed to finish the pathway, as well as other necessary updates to equipment. One of the things our school could really use is some new playground equipment. We would love to raise enough money to add swings, add climbing equipment, new slides, updated basketball goals, new balls, and whatever else we could afford to purchase.

Please help us help our children!

This is tax deductible as well.

Clippard Elementary PTO

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