Fort Pierce Woman's ClubFort Pierce Woman's Club

The Fort Pierce Woman's Club (FPWC), established in 1913, is a local 501(c)3 community service organization with an amazing history of women working together to enrich, support, and serve Saint Lucie County. The FPWC is celebrating its 110th Anniversary this year and is commemorating this milestone by offering the community the opportunity to be a part of the FPWC History. The Fort Pierce Woman's Club Brick Project offers the community the ability to purchase tickets that will be laid permanently around the front, sides and a pathway to our garden area for display for years to come.

As our town continues to grow, we are making it a priority to bring awareness to the community about our fascinating history, our present-day activities, and our future vision for the club. Fundraising activities such as the Fort Pierce Woman's Club Brick Project will provide needed funds to help maintain our 1913 historical designated building and additional resources for charitable and community projects.

We hope that you will make Fort Pierce Woman's Club history by donating to this worthy cause!

Fort Pierce Woman's ClubFort Pierce Woman's Club

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Donation Total  $110