Village of Millington JODY DEAN MEMORIAL PARK

The Village of Millington would like your help in creating a community park in honor of Jody Dean, the matriarch of Millington. Jody gave so much to so many and to so many organizations. We would like to give to her memory, but we need your help. We are going to place a park on the corner of Depot and Center Streets. Our goal is to create a place for people to gather and admire the purple tulips (Jody's favorite) along with other flowers and trees. Jody was involved in so many community gatherings and festivities (Christmas in the Village, Mayhem in Millington, Scarecrow contest and many more) that we would like to have a place to hold these functions in the future. The park would have a pavilion, paved walking path lined with shrubs and flowers, picnic tables and benches. Your donation of a personalized brick will help raise the funds needed for this currently unused space to be made into a Community Park for everyone to enjoy!

We need your help to make Jody Dean Memorial Park happen. We can do this together, brick by brick.

Village of Millington JODY DEAN MEMORIAL PARK

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Select Your Brick


Select commemorative products as keepsakes for yourself.

An exact duplicate of the brick that you are purchasing from your organization, with the addition of felt backing. $40

Smaller option: a miniature brick (fits in your hand) with your custom inscription. $25
Laser-printed certificate on heavy ivory paper showing your inscription on red-colored brick. $10

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