Santa Cruz County Shining AZ Clean-up Santa Cruz County

Watching the sun's rays transform the sky and the Santa Rita mountain range into brilliant blooms of color and changing hues, is a daily inspiration. We love where we live because the land becomes part of who we are. However, every day we watch as our beautiful environment is overrun with littering and illegal dumping. That is why we are asking for your help to stop what is happening.

Your purchase of a celebratory brick will help us educate our communities about the proper disposal of trash and the benefits of living in a litter-free environment. Santa Cruz County Shining AZ promotes education about littering, community cleanups and neighborhood cleanups.

Litter awareness is the first step toward changing behaviors that harm a community's visual appeal and make it harder for us to enjoy where we live. Littering will continue if an individual is unaware of what they are doing or if it is part of their "norm.” Take a step with us and purchase a brick to help us sponsor neighborhoods, trails, and Santa Cruz River cleanups and, most importantly, our educational programs.

Your personalized brick will reside just down the way on historic St. Gertrudis Lane in Tumacácori. Your brick will be permanently adhered to the ground next to our kiosk. Make a toast to your company, family, best friend, yourself or a beloved pet by purchasing a brick.

Help us clean and keep our communities free of trash and illegal dumping.

All funds go towards:
1. Purchase of supplies for neighborhood/business cleanups
2. Promotion of our neighborhood cleanup program
3. Educational materials to promote litter free communities
4. Targeted anti-litter communications
5. Limited operational expenses - telephone, website, publications, etc.

1. 4 x 8 Brick – 21 characters per line, 4 lines, no logo or stock logo, $500.00               

or with stock symbols/logo on top or bottom 3 lines, 21 characters
or with stock symbols/logos on the left or right 3 lines, 18 characters

Follow hyperlink for stock logo images: 

2. 8 x 8 Brick Corporate Logos Only, $750.00
18 characters per line, 5 lines
Location is top or bottom of brick only. Corporate and military logos subject to brick engraver okay.  Submit logo on Jpeg, Png, Gif file formats only.

We believe everyone shines when their community shines free of litter and waste.

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