Bon View Elementary-Ontario Montclair School District Seedlings to Scholars

From Seedlings to Scholars is garden and outdoor education program at Bon View IB World School in Ontario-Montclair School District. The garden elements of the program encompass five unique school gardens. Our brick campaign will enable us to accomplish two goals: raise money for new garden and outdoor education efforts and renovate an existing and underdeveloped memorial garden into a Reflection Garden.

The new reflection garden will provide an area for school community members to participate in restorative sessions and reflection. There will be space for individuals, counseling groups, and classes to practice and encourage healthy healing, developing resilience and communicating in positive ways. Each brick will be engraved with words of encouragement, healing and reflection and surrounded in the garden by cultural artifacts, and plantings of significance to our families and communities.

Your contribution will help us to create a beautiful, healing space on our campus and continue to develop important programs such as our parent docent program, student led farmers' market, and Outdoor Education focused Career and College Fair.

Bon View School reserve the right to review all text for appropriateness and to decline those that do not reflect the spirit of the project.

Bon View Elementary-Ontario Montclair School District Seedlings to ScholarsBon View Elementary-Ontario Montclair School District Seedlings to Scholars

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