St. Matthew Catholic Church St. Matthew Brick Campaign

Now you can be a part of creating a lasting memory at St. Matthew. All proceeds go to Burn the Mortgage Campaign. The bricks will outline the walkways in the courtyard between the Church and the Social Hall.

Purchasing a brick is an ideal way to commemorate your family’s support of St. Matthew. Whether you choose to memorialize a love one, commemorate a birth, Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation, Quinceanera, Wedding, Graduation, Anniversary or other special occasion- your bricks will become a family legacy at St. Matthew.

All bricks will be red, and include uppercase letters in black; we are offering the following sizes:

 $50 4”x 8” + 3 lines of centered, ALL CAPS text, 20 characters per line

$100 8”x 8” + 6 lines of centered, ALL CAPS text, 20 characters per line

Bricks will be engraved according to your specifications; St. Matthew Church reserves the right to approve all engraved messages.

St. Matthew Catholic Church St. Matthew Brick Campaign

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