You are invited to help with the restoration of the historical Trinity United Methodist Church in Fernandina Beach, Florida. Trinity United Methodist Church, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, along with its sister church Memorial United Methodist Church, is recorded to be the oldest organized United Methodist Church in the State of Florida with a history dating to 1822.
Our GOAL is to sell 500
CUSTOMIZED BRICKS and build a commutative brick walkway that will be a permanent
fixture at the front entrance of our church facing 8th and Ash Street which will
be engraved with your FAMILY NAME or BUSINESS NAME that commutates Trinity’s
196th ANNIVERSARY ; and at the same time raise funds to assist in Trinity’s
restoration which consist of the following: Replacing the roof, resealing
historic stained-glass windows, painting the interior of the sanctuary and bell
tower, replacing carpeting in the main aisle of our sanctuary and updating the
heating and air conditioning system.