(CASF Campaign) Wheeler Magnet Commemorative Bricks

To honor the Wheeler Magnet program and its success in fostering an environment where excellence thrives, a commemorative wall was created in the Magnet entrance hallway.

When you donate a brick with your personalized message to honor your family, your student, or club/team/experience that embodies the Magnet culture, you support the future success and legacy of the Magnet program.

Examples include:

Honoring a graduating senior

Honoring a teacher

Remembering a friend or family member

Paying tribute to a club/team

We will do our best to accommodate your custom engraving wishes. Please make sure they fit into the boundaries of up to 3 lines with up to 18 characters per line.

To order:

Complete the online form

Select your Commemorative Brick tile:
- 4x8 Commemorative Brick Tile is $125
- 8x8 Commemorative Brick Tile is $250

Pay by PayPal or check.

Thank you for supporting your Wheeler Magnet Foundation 501(c)(3). The Brick tile you donate is tax deductible.

Your Contact Information

Select Your Brick

How Many Bricks?


Select commemorative products as keepsakes for yourself.

Smaller option: a miniature brick (fits in your hand) with your custom inscription.
1.5 x 3 $20; 3 x 3 $25
Laser-printed certificate on heavy ivory paper showing your inscription on red-colored brick. $10

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