Word FM Pathway to Hope

Welcome to Word FM's "Pathway to Hope" site!

From its humble start in 1993, Word FM has provided inspiring Christian music, testimonies, and on-air talent to as many people as it could reach. Why? To offer hope and encouragement to real people in the midst of everyday life, to direct people to Christ and God’s Word, and to provide helpful resources through God-honoring organizations and services. Each year, we’ve watched the Lord faithfully and consistently increase listener numbers (hence ultimately the lives we touch), at times calling Word FM to expand. We reached that point again, and by His grace, have nearly completed work on a larger facility! But we're not quite done...

Our main remaining project — our Pathway to Hope — is one we hope will be of personal significance to you, our donors, because it is ultimately you who make Word FM possible. The project? A permanent brick pathway that winds toward the entrance of the new building — not just an ordinary walkway, mind you, but one built with truly special bricks, bricks inscribed with whomever or whatever *you* want to honor or commemorate.

Perhaps you'd like to memorialize a lost loved one by inscribing his/her name on a brick, or similarly celebrate a friend or family member or anniversary; or maybe you'd like to share a favorite passage with your own name inscribed with it; or highlight a business name. Whatever your passion, we, here at Word FM, would like nothing more than to see you, our Word FM family, permanently part of our new home. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Won't you consider helping us construct our literal Pathway to Hope, one brick at a time, while also supporting the pathway to hope Word FM's ministry has been and is becoming for so many?

Bricks are available in two sizes:
4" x 8" (rectangular) — for a $300 donation
8" x 8" (square) — for a $500 donation

The 4" x 8" brick is limited to 3 lines of text, 19 characters per line.
The 8" x 8" brick is limited to 7 lines of text, 19 characters per line.

Thank you for supporting positive, uplifting Word FM!

If you don't know what you want on your brick yet, just enter TBD on Line 1 of the inscription page in order to move on to payment. Word FM will then mail you a form on which to hand-write your inscription and send back. ( Don't worry; "TBD" is not what your brick will say! ) Thank you.

Word FM Pathway to Hope

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