Bobtown United Methodist
After several years of planning and anticipation, our
dream of a social hall for the church and community is
finally being realized. Construction is underway with a
spring opening, God willing. In an effort to complete
this project and help better serve these needs in our
community, additional funding is needed. As a long
standing tradition, memorials are often placed in or
around buildings of this nature. We invite you to join
us in celebrating this occasion by personalizing a brick
of your choice to be placed for all to see. The bricks
will be placed in a walkway connecting the church, near
the rear entrance handicap ramp, and the new social
hall. These bricks will be 4” x 8” x 2 �” – red –
finished bricks containing 18 characters per line and 3
lines per brick. The cost per brick is $25.00.
We would
appreciate any purchase of these bricks for memorials,
honorariums, anniversaries or any special designation of
your choice. This fundraiser is NOT limited to current
church members only, but open to any and all members of
community past and present.
Please pass this
information along if there is anyone you or yours know
that may be interested, near or far.
A heartfelt thank you and God bless to any and
all who participate.