



The Dragon Football Club is working with the Cornwall Athletic Program  to sell

BRICKS, in an effort to raise money to purchase new seating at the Middle School Field.

   Our initial plan is to install a brick pathway around the flagpole that is located in front of  the high school and connect it to the front sidewalk….and on and on.

4” x 8” - Three lines of text per brick w/an 18 character limit per line.

Individuals:  $50  Businesses:  $150

8” x 8” - Six lines of text per brick w/an 18 character limit per line.

Individuals:  $95  Businesses:  $275

The bricks will be printed in all caps and centered.

Bricks are available for purchase by individuals as well as businesses.


* Your Name
Your Company
If you represent a company or organization, enter their name.
* Street Address
* City
* State/Province
* ZIP Code/Postal Code
* Phone Number
Fax Number
* E-Mail Address
* Brick Size
* Donation Amount $
Press the Continue button to enter the customized text that will be engraved on your bricks.

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