The Kicklighter Resource Center, Inc. is
a 501c 3 nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the life
of children and adults with autism and other developmental and
physical disabilities through advocacy, family support,
community education and direct support.
The Kicklighter Academy is an early
intervention facility that integrates children with disabilities
ages 6 weeks through 6 years into “typical” classroom
environments; giving students with disabilities the chance to
successfully integrate into Kindergarten with little to no
outside assistance.
We also operate the Chatham
Association for Residential Services, a semi-independent housing
facility for adults with developmental disabilities.
Our program provides housing to
adults through two apartment buildings and seven group homes.
Your donation will be placed around
the school as a reminder of your dedication in making a
difference in the life of a child or adult with disabilities.
These bricks may be used to
commemorate a special event in someone’s life, honor a friend or
family member or memorialize someone special.