

Kurtz Elementary Brick Paver Fundraiser


Kurtz Elementary School in conjunction with Kurtz PTA is working towards providing much needed updated playground equipment.  To achieve this goal we are hoping to sell engrave brick pavers to local businesses, community, friends and family.  Help us pave the way to our new playground by donating today!


         4 x 8 paver: max of 3 lines and 12 characters per line

         8 x 8 paver: max of 6 lines and 12 characters per line


* Your Name
Your Company
If you represent a company or organization, enter their name.
* Street Address
* City
* State/Province
* ZIP Code/Postal Code
* Phone Number
Fax Number
* E-Mail Address
* Brick Size
* Donation Amount $
Press the Continue button to enter the customized text that will be engraved on your bricks.

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