Children in today’s world need more play and exercise.
The Moncks Corner Playground Committee is trying to help
meet this need. These pictures are a vision of what the
new playground could look like, but we need your help!
You can help raise awareness and funds for a new
playground located at the new youth fields just off Main
Street, Moncks Corner.
Brad Harrop, committee chairman, stated that the goal is
“to provide an outdoor place that is exciting and
challenging for children from Moncks Corner and its
surrounding area where children can exercise and have
fun learning and developing.”
In order to GET READY for this, your help is needed! You
make a donation for a 4x8 engraved brick with your name for
$100, 8x8 engraved bricks for $500, 4x8 granite wall
tile to be placed on a wall for $1,000, 8x8 granite wall
tile for $5,000, and a 12x12 granite wall tile as well
as signage for $10,000. Donations can be made several

1 - Visit our website at:
2 – Visit South State Bank in Moncks Corner.
3 - You can give your check, written to Moncks Corner
Playground Fund, to one of the committee members: Cami
Brayton, Richard Dixon, Jennifer DuBose, Kearney
Gregory, Brad Harrop, Lisa Hill, Ralph Jones, Kaye
Myers, Jeanette Reichard or Lane Wofford.
Questions can be emailed to:
You can also join the Moncks Corner Playground
Facebook group at -