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Mesquite Social Services is getting a new look.........


The City of Mesquite and the Mesquite Sunrise Rotary are giving the Mesquite Social Services building a much needed re-do.  The City of Mesquite has partnered with the Mesquite Sunrise Rotary's 2010 Mega Project and other  partnerships including the Decorative Concrete Council, Fritz Pak and outside contractors. 


The Decorative Concrete Council and contractors are donating time and materials to the remodel.  This re-do includes interior and exterior repairs and upgrades to provide a more energy efficient building. Aesthetically the building will be a beautiful addition to this part of the down town corridor.

Founded in 1963, Mesquite Social Services, Inc. has provided services to the greater Mesquite community for more than 40 years.  MSS began when Jewell Westmoreland, a citizen of Mesquite and community activist, realized the depth of need in the community for emergency assistance.  In order to meet these needs, she founded MSS with the mission to provide immediate short-term assistance with the basic and essential needs of those in our community and surrounding area.

Here's Your Opportunity to Help!

A wall in the main lobby of MSS will be tiled with bricks inscribed with the names of contributors to the project.  Individuals, churches, groups and organizations can purchase a brick to support the remodel and recognize loved ones, special occasions, their business or organization.

This is a permanent way to support this exciting addition to the Mesquite Social Services and to make a lasting impression!

Engraved Bricks are Available in three sizes ...

For a gift of $100

4x8 Brick with a maximum of 3 lines,

18 characters each line


For a gift of $250

8x8 Brick with a maximum of 6 lines

18 characters each line


For gifts of $500 or more we would like to offer an array with your logo. Please contact contact Todd Price mesquitesunriserotary@firststatebank.com.


Array Example



    * Your Name
    Your Company
If you represent a company or organization, enter their name.
    * Street Address
    * City
    * State/Province
    * ZIP Code/Postal Code
    * Phone Number
    Fax Number
    * E-Mail Address
    * Brick Size
    * Number of Bricks 
    Would you like to receive a Donor Certificate?
    Would you like to receive a Donor Brick?
    * Donation Amount $
    Press the Continue button to enter the customized text that will be engraved on your bricks.

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