With the theme
“Church on the Move” this capital campaign will help fund the
repair of our church structural foundation serving as a mission
outpost in order for us to continue being the hands, heart, feet
and soul of God’s love within our community and beyond.
Your engraved brick will be incorporated into the wall of our
fellowship hall. Upon completion of the project you will receive
a donor certificate, a photo of your brick, and an invitation to
worship and fellowship with us when we dedicate the new
fellowship hall.
The bricks are offered in three different sizes:
4” x 8 �” brick for $74 – up to three engraved lines, up to 18
characters per line.
8” x 8 �” brick for $85 – up to six engraved lines, up to 18
characters per line.
12” x 12” brick for $105 – up to ten engraved lines, up to 23
characters per line.
You can personalize the brick by
selecting the message to be engraved. You can commemorate and
celebrate the memory of a loved one, special person, your family
name, memorialize a special event, record a scripture message or
favorite motivational phrase. The possibilities are endless. The
engraved words will be centered and painted black for easy
(It is recommended that inscriptions be in all capital letters for
uniformity and readability.)