Whisperwood Veterans Memorial Project
Dear Patriot,
is a 55+ community located in north Deland with a 396
homes, a number of which are veterans.
A year ago it came to the attention of the
Residents Association Board of Directors that there was
not a veterans memorial in the park.
Interested residents came together with a common
goal. Bill
Felton was chosen to be general chairperson.
Through his effort plans were established,
committees formed and financial goals identified.
Since then, several successful fund raising
events have taken place. As of this date, more than 25%
of the financial goal has been reached.
Other coming fund raising events are a motorcycle
run scheduled for November 4th, a Walk in
support of our veterans, a Labor Day party and our
Veterans Day celebration on November 11th.
Hopefully, this event will also be our
Groundbreaking or Dedication ceremony.
Our United States Flag and each of the military
flags will be flying in glory.
July 4th is the launch date for the sale of
memorial bricks which will be incorporated into the
design. The
bricks will be placed surrounding the cement pad which
is the base of the Veterans monument.
There will walkways from the road to the area and
one from the clubhouse to the memorial area.
We would like to thank you for your generosity in
helping us see this project to completion.
ill Felton, Chairperson Veterans Project
3131 Pine Run Trail
Deland, Florida 32724